Monday, November 16, 2009

This week is going to be Met you there Monday. I am talking about the Women's Fall Fest on Saturday night. I met so many new sister's in Christ. We had a wonderful time in fellowship and especially worship.(There is just something about women worshipping together). It was a fun time. I hope if you were there that God showed you that you were in a safe place and that we want to minister and love on every woman. I also hope you got very excited about how you can serve our great God. If you missed Saturday night, I hope you catch the excitement and find your place of service. I will be sharing some pictures soon. I hope you have a great week and here is what is going on at Cornerstone this week.

Wednesday 6:15- LDI

Friday 12:00- Women's prayer time in the FLC

Saturday 1:00- C.A.R.E. at Loyalton

Sunday 5:00- Thanksgiving Family Dinner-FLC

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