Saturday, March 13, 2010

While walking through a small village, two national brothers and I asked God to lead us to someone receptive to the Gospel. Soon, we saw two boys on the mountainside waving and yelling for us to eat mangoes with them. I thought, We don't have time to eat mangoes with boys; we have to find who God has prepared us to meet! But then the Spirit moved in our hearts and we went.
Arriving, we realized the children had led us to the home of a large family. We enjoyed their mangoes and shared the Gospel. Afterward, the father commented, "How would we have ever known of Jesus if you hadn't come?" One of those who came to Christ that day was their adult son, an alcoholic. Through this man, almost 20 people now have come to faith in Jesus. In this village, three Bible study groups and one church have started.
Many times we pass by what seems to be insignificant. God's ways aren't our ways. His plans for us can be in the seemingly insignificant things of life. We just have to slow down enough to let God's Spirit work in our lives so that we can help nurture the mustard seeds.
Archer, South Asian Peoples
Voices of the Faithful Book 2

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